

We offer, among other things:

ATTENTION: I cannot currently say which health insurance company contributes to laboratory and medication costs, as these topics are sometimes not even uniformly regulated within a health insurance company.

What are bio-identical hormones?

The term bio-identical or nature-identical hormones is not protected. In a broader sense, bio-identical hormones are hormones whose molecular structure is identical to the body's own hormones. Nevertheless, it happens that these do not function in the body in the same way as those produced by the body. That's why we use the narrower definition: Bio-identical hormones must also work in the same way. These come from nature, for example from the yam root.
The range of applications is very wide because most processes in the body are controlled by hormones. My patients are male and female and range in age from 6 to 96 years. The indications include menopause and menstrual problems. desire to have children, etc., various mental illnesses, from ADD and ADHD to burn-out, exhaustion, migraines to the onset of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease, various skin diseases (acne, psoriasis, etc.), sleep disorders, sexual disorders, rheumatological problems, over- and underweight.

Food intolerance test

Food intolerances not only manifest themselves in the form of indigestion and abdominal pain, but also through fatigue, headaches, migraines or skin blemishes. Unfortunately, simple attempts at omission are often not enough. There isn't a "perfect" test yet, but blood tests often provide enough information to interpret the findings. Many patients have gotten rid of years of diarrhea or other problems this way.

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adjuvant diagnostics and therapy for cancer patients

Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the Western world. Over 20,000 people die of cancer in Switzerland every year. Using additional diagnostics and therapy with natural remedies, for example turmeric infusions, can often have a positive influence on the course of the disease.

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Metabolic regulation

There are situations in which metabolism is significantly slowed down. Help is often available with suitable nutrients and a special “metabolic treatment”. 

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